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Proposal Agustusan2015

Proposal Agustusan di RT 003 RW 05 Kelurahan Ciputat, Kecamatan Ciputat, Kota Tangerang Selatan



ФИО: AZMI MUHAROM                            Страна проживания: INDONESIA
Название направления/программы (выбрать одну), на которую Вы поступаете:
Бакалавриат   -----------------               Магистратура 41.04.03, Asian and African Studies
Профиль участия в Олимпиадах ВШЭ:

Текст мотивационного письма

Indonesian is my native country. My country is an independent and democratic state. It is developing but it has a lot of problems. Joko Widodo’s idea of Indonesia’s pivot maritime is a clear signal for overcome this problem, unfortunately Indonesia still have to wait for the development of human resources, technology, maritime infrastructure and connectivity.
I am writing to apply for the Masters in Asian and African Studies program, in which I am very interested. Sholarship from Russia as one of the world's major countries is gold chance to enrich my knowledge and professional achievement. With this scholarship, I would like to exchange ideas with the international community on Russia’s strategic position on world maritime politic and regional social economic hub.
My achievements as student is to be a student delegation in annual meeting for international relations students in Indonesia, youth parliamentary forum and Indonesia-Russian student's friendship and dialogue on Islam and Culture in Kazan, Russia. Now I am learning Russian in Russian - Indonesian Orientation Center (PORIN Indonesia), I want to learn Russian because I really admire the people and Russian culture is very diverse. However, most importantly, I want to learn the Russian language because I wanted to have Russian Government Scholarship and after getting my master's degree, I can join the Indonesian diplomatic corps in Moscow.
This scholarship opportunity I perceive as an extraordinary opportunity to interact with students and scholars from diverse professional and cultural backgrounds coming from all the World.  This type of networking is very important for integration of different ideas and perspectives pertaining to diverse global issues. At the end I would like to point out that I am determined to make the most out of the scholarship program. I believe that being a student in your program would not only empower my career development, but would give me the framework to utilize my full potentials. Moreover I feel that as a Masters student at your University, I can benefit from the numerous challenging career opportunities.

Once again I am grateful for considering my application and I look forward to a favorable reply

Motivation Letter IDU

Indonesian is my native country. My country is an independent and democratic state. It is developing but it has a lot of problems. Joko Widodo's idea of ​​Indonesia's maritime pivot is a clear signal for Overcome this problem, unfortunately Indonesia still have to wait for the development of human resources, technology, maritime infrastructure and connectivity.
I am writing to apply for the Masters in Maritime Security program, in which I am very interested. Study at Indonesia Defense Univeristy (IDU) as one of the unique institution of higher education is gold chance to enrich my knowledge and professional achievement. With this scholarship, I would like to exchange ideas with the comprehensively position from the military, political, economic, social and cultural aspect.
In essence of study international relations, the main concepts discussed are national interests. Understanding the national interest will help explain and understand the international behavior. Indonesia has been on the right path by declaring our national interest to become a maritime country. With the third largest potential fishery of the world, reaching 70% oil potential in the area of ​​maritime and tourism & ecosystem maritime potential, now Indonesia's international behavior should be ready to explore the potential and also preparing to deal with threats that will accompany.
Sukarno has give Trisakti concept : the independent in politics, self-sufficient in the economy, personality in culture. Along with it, quoting Thomas Freidman that describes globalization as changes in all aspects of life farther, faster, cheaper and deeper, then the cooperation and collaboration needs to be maximized by Government of Indonesia and the entire public sector. This is time for development and focused diplomacy on maritime sector to promote Indonesia human resources, technology, Infrastructure and maritime connectivity.

Study at IDU is an extraordinary opportunity to Interact with students and scholars from diverse professional and cultural backgrounds coming from all of Indonesia. This type of networking is very important for the integration of different ideas and perspectives pertaining to diverse global issues. At the end I would like to point out that I am determined to the make the most out of the study program. I believe that as a Masters student at the IDU, I can benefit from the numerous challenging career opportunities in international sector.

Komplek Kremlin memiliki Museum Kebudayaan Islam

Traveler tentu menyangka Kremlin adalah sebuah komplek benteng di Moscow, Rusia. Faktanya, 700 km dari Moscow, kota Kazan juga memiliki kremlin Putih yang ikonik. Di Kremlin Kazan inilah terdapat museum Kebudayaan Islam satu-satunya di Eropa selain di Istanbul.  Museum ini terletak dilantai dasar Masjid terbesar di Rusia, Masjid Kul Sharif.

Nama Kul Sharif diberikan untuk menghormati pemimpin Kazan Knanate, Seid Kul Sharif. Masjid ini memiliki Menara setinggi 57 meter tinggi. Lokasinya sendiri berada di reruntuhan masjid kuno yang sama ketika Ivan the Terrible menginvasinya di bulan oktober 1552. Rekonstruksi masjid rampung pada tahun 2005 dan Museum Kebudayaan Islam di buka pada tahun 2006.
Perjalanan menyusuri museum ini sangat menyenangkan, kami sangat menikmati dalam menelusuri dua bagaian ruang museum yang terdiri dari ruang islam sebagai agama dunia dan ruang islam di kawasan Volga. Pada puncak perjalanan, kami benar benar sampai menaiki tangga menuju kubah masjid untuk melihat jamaah dan pemandangan kota.

Saat memasuki ruang pertama, pemandu wisata akan menyambut dengan hangat. Kami diajak lebih mengenal kitab Al-quran dan kitab-kitab Hadis di lorong utama. Uniknya, kitab Taurat, kitab Zabur  serta Kitab Injil juga turut berbaris rapih dengan kisah-kisah para nabi penerimanya di sepanjang dinding ruang itu.
Masih di bagian pertama, Pemandu mengantarkan kami pada ruang Pilar Islam. Perhatian tentu akan langsung tertuju pada miniatur Ka’bah, sejadah, manik-manik dan peralatan rombongan haji Rusia di masa lampau. Beranjak dari sana, kami melihat serba-serbi seni islam dan profil para cendekiawan muslim dunia. Hebatnya, penduduk Volga ini telah mendirikan kesultanan sejak tahun 922 M atau satu abad lebih awal dari kesultanan islam pertama di Indonesia, samudera pasai.

Beranjak ke bagian kedua dari museum, pemandu wisata mengajak kami pada sesi islam di kawasan Volga. Di sini kami menemukan banyak artefak dari Turki dan Asia Tengah. Lukisan Seid Kul Sharif, seorang pemimpin Kazan Khanate diruangan ini membuat siapa saja yang melihatnya merasa takjub. Sayang pada abad ke 15 Kazan Khanate harus melebur menjadi bagian kekuasaan Tsar Rusia dibawah Tsar Ivan the terrible.
Uniknya, di bagian selanjutnya kita akan disuguhkan ilustrasi, lukisan dan foto mengenai kombinasi sempurna kota Kazan. Dimana masyarakat beragama saling menunjukan dirinya untuk membangun negeri, Islam dan Kristen Ortodoks, Asia dan Eropa, Timur dan Barat serta Budaya dan Modernitas komplit bersatu di Kota ini.

Bila ada pertanyaan, Bagaimana agama bisa hidup di era komunisme Rusia ? atau bagaiaman agama bangkit di era Perestroika (reformasi demokratis) !.  Bagian akhir museum ini akan menceritakan manis pahitnya hidup di era tersebut hingga keberhasilan masyarakat kazan melewati lorong berliku menuju kebangkitan multi kultur dan multi etnik di Rusia modern.

Terakhir, Traveler harap berhati-hati menyusuri anak tangga menuju kubah. Wah bila sudah di atas sana, anda pasti kagum melihat arsitektur masjid dan pemandangan kazan kremlin.