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7 minutes Futsal in Moscow (ID & EN)

Ini video ketiga, mengenai main futsal di kota moscow

Olahraga biasanya dilakukan di pagi ataupun sore hari. Sore ini saya bersama para mahasiswa asal Ghana melakukan olahraga Futsal di taman Ekaterina Agung, Kota Moscow.
Di Moscow, sama saja seperti di Jakarta, futsal mungkin menjadi olahraga favorit setelah sepakbola. Bedanya, di Moscow terdapat banyak ruang terbuka hijau atau hutan kota. Fasilitas ini dan Lapangan Futsal didalamnya bisa digunakan oleh siapa saja secara gratis, apapun suku dan bangsa kita, mari berolaharaga.
Selagi menunggu tim kita bermain, kita bisa berolahraga dengan berlari, jogging atau menggunakan berbagai fasilitas gimnastik yang ada.  
Di taman Ekaterina Agung ini, tersedia juga Lapangan Voli, Taman bermain Anak, Taman Scate Board, Fasilitas Gimnastik, atau kita bisa bersantai di bangku taman.
Berkat bincang-bincang, saya jadi tahu ada aturan umum penggunaan lapangan futsal di Kota Moscow. Pertandingan futsal akan bergantian sesuai antrian tim yang hadir dengan waktu 7 menit atau berakhir lebih cepat bila kebobolan dua gol.
Bila beruntung ada juga event yang diadakan setiap bulannya. Di musim semi dan panas ini, datanglah berolahraga di taman Ekaterina Agung yang terletak dekat Station Metro bawah tanah Dostoyevskaya atau Station Metro bawah tanah Prospek Mira.

Taman Ekaterina Agung, Kota Moscow, (Coba Coba)

In the morning or evening, we usually do sports. This afternoon I joined the student from Ghana to exercise Futsal in the park Ekaterina the Great, Moscow.
In Moscow, the same as Jakarta, futsal may be a favorite sport after football. What makes different are in Moscow there are plenty of green open spaces or urban forest. This facility can be used by anyone free of charge, whoever and wherever let’s go to sport.
While waiting for our team to play, we can exercise by running, jogging or using a variety of gymnastic facilities.
in the park Ekaterina the Great also already available Volleyball court, Children's Playground, Skateboard court, Gymnastics facility, or we can relax on a park bench.
Because of this park bench, I came to know there is a general rule the use of indoor soccer field in the city of Moscow. Futsal team will take turns according queues which comes with a 7-minute or ended early when conceding two goals.
If you are lucky there are also events held each month. In the spring and summer, lets came to the Park Ekaterina the Great Ekaterina which is located near the underground Metro Station Dostoyevskaya or underground Metro Station Prospect Mira.
From Parks Ekaterina the Great, Moscow City, Coba-Coba.

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