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The unique democratization

There is a revolution in Jakarta, Indonesia, at August 1945. No mass wave rebelling to break a prison In Jakarta that day and there no army breaking a power trying non-stopped straightening. Across there, nothing of barricade and nothing crown which can give command to be extinguished the revolution.

At that morning 63 year ago is only seen a group of people who listen the young political leader of Indonesia Ir. Ahmad Sukarno, read off a text, it referred later as proclamation script. That morning also red white flag turn flown, flown modestly and not at all points, flown only with not be high bamboo and flown only ahead of a building not so big in Pegangsaan Street, Jakarta, place of all young people and independence exponent gather.

Revolution is transformation, after hundreds of year depressed and excluded in course of determining history tread on, that day people can mention the "Republic of Indonesia ( RI)" and "Independence". All do not sudden emerge at revolution 17 August 1945, Indonesia as a community nation and governmental, discourse, lifting and meaning since early 20th century. Nowadays the August 1945 revolutionize remain to contain the awful vibration.

Indonesia is biggest archipelagic country in world, consisted by 17.508 of island with broadly continent 1.922.570 km² and wide of territorial water 3.257.483 km². Indonesia is the fourth state of a most lot resident in the world, with the resident amount 241.973.879 soul. Indonesia is rich state with the ethnics group, with interest from 300 ethnics group, Indonesia own the cultural manner of each area and vernacular which stand at bay up to now, composition of Indonesian nation is society with the biggest Islam community in world. Because of very kinds and efficacy preserve the flora and fauna, Indonesia recognized by lung of earth and country of equator emerald, epithet which is all Indonesia society struggle to maintain it. So also all Indonesia society struggle of maintain the state epithet with the third most democratic country in the world, epithet because kinds of arranging unique efficacy and politics of Indonesia democracy party (the general election) 2004 and will be allowed the release of democracy party on April 2009.

A visit guest of honour from United States to Indonesia at 16-18 February 2009 led by overseas minister of United States, Hillary Rodham Clinton also add the spirit of Indonesia society to maintain the third most democratic country in the world. In Building of National Archives, Jakarta, Hillary Clinton said in there: "If we like to know the Islam (modern), democratize and confession for woman role, hence come to Indonesia". This become a pride for Indonesia, with his unique democracy, Indonesia selected to become second state visited by new governance proxy of United States, Barack Obama.

A very uppermost democracy expert, G Bingham Powell Jr. is expressed the criterions for democratic country. According to his opinion the criterions are: first, the legitimacy of government rests on a claim to represent the desires of its citizens. That's the claim of the government to obedience to its laws is based on the government's assertion to be doing what want it to do. Second, the organized arrangement that regulates this bargain of legitimacy is the competitive political election. Leaders are elected at regular interval and voters can choose among alternative candidates. In practice at least two politics parties that have a chance of winning are needed to make such choices meaningful. Third, citizens votes are secret and not coerced. Fourth, citizens and leaders enjoy basic freedom of speech, press, assembly and organization. Both established parties and new ones work to gain members and voters. All this criterions have enough applied in Indonesia.

Indonesia pertain unique because with the economic limitation and a lot of similar matter, democracy able to be executed. Though Samuel P Huntington have a notion in book of the third wave that supporter variable democratize is a high level of economic wealth, a social modernization, a high level of literacy and education, social pluralism, low level of political polarization and extremism, tradition of toleration, compromise, individual respect of law and human rights, communal (ethnic, racial, religious) homogeneity and too heterogeneity.

Lock the efficacy Indonesia democratize besides experience 63 year revolutionize to one sovereign national leadership determine the place of history tread on, Indonesia have also entered 100 year of national awakening and 10 year of reformation (transition democratize). National awakening is one era of national leadership emerge to expand and sturdy return Bhineka Tunggal Ika (unity in diversity) Indonesia, while reformation is one era of reincarnation of national leadership which in marking with the openness in political system (multi party), freedom of expression, freedom of the assembly, freedom of the press and coherence for straightening of law and human right respect.

100 year of national awakening become the important pillar and early creation aspiration the Indonesia democratize. National awakening is moment when young people (include of student and young society) Indonesia form the Budi Utomo (pure endeavor) what which in leading Wahidin Soerohusodo as first national organization with the aspiration reach for the independence pass the effort of education and culture. 20 may 1908 when Budi Utomo opened commemorated of national awakening day.

1o year of reformation also become the important pillar and early transition democratize to go to the economic, politics and cultural democratization than deviation of valid institution and procedure and completely non-democratic actions. Reformation is beginning with the economic crisis in Indonesia at 8 July 1997 like other state in Asia as Philippine, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia and Brunei. At that moment assess the rupiah decline drastic, overseas debt and loan have reached to the irrational number, rare of staple voice to ossify and hereinafter, in the middle of this chaos, 10 March 1998, Big General and President Suharto chosen again as Indonesia President for the seventh period of its rill.

Promise the President in March 1998 make the Indonesia people disappointed and pessimist, this matter is very felt on May 1998. At that moment young people (inclusive of student and young people) coalescing to battle with the article and street protest to the hold a brief for the all people. Young people from Sabang until Merauke one voice claim the reformation. Hundreds of thousand young people in Jakarta as center governance close and occupy the Indonesian People Representative Council (DPR) and also Indonesia People Consultative Assembly (MPR) claim the this center policy maker conduct the repeal of President mandate. 15 May 1998 President perform the reshuffle of cabinet and demand of young people still not enough, 18 May, extraordinary meeting of DPR / MPR plan to degrade the President and finally 2o May 1998 big general and President Suharto express Lengser ke Keprabon (descend the crown). Since that's, democracy in Indonesia enter the new promising chapter.

The three important democratize pillar in Indonesia this become the very valuable experience for the Indonesia. The three pillar, own some equality from cause and figure overcoming. Cause of national awakening 1908 is colonialism, colonialism is happened because empire and sultanate in Indonesia fail in economic strategy to rival the Dutch trade association, Vereenigde Oostindische Compagnie (VOC), at that moment Indonesia experience of the economic crisis and start to cultural crisis and political crisis, cause of revolution 1945 still colonialism and reformation 1998 like have been explained previously is the effect of economic crisis 1997. How awful are effect of economic crisis, hence to return glorious is with repair the economic. Figure equality also overcoming happened, Young people is figure overcoming from the impasse resolving. Moment of young people coalesce in the year 1908, spirit of unity flown, moment of young people coalesce in the year 1945, independence is immediately reached and moment of young people coalesce in the year 1998 reformation in straightened and people importance in advocating.

Young people must have sharing with his young soul, uncommitted of agenda from the three pillar democratize is responsibility which cannot be omitted, democracy party 2009 have before very eyes, with the democracy party expected to be filtered representative bodies and governing bodies which competence and professional. Young people must have to analyze and take stand as according to its rate, look for the correct position and when properly, lets young people become the leader. Whosoever may become the leader in this democratize era, leader selected not because of he/she miraculous and holy, but leader in democratize era do not more than primus inter pares (first from parallel), fighting for according to principle democratize namely wide people importance is highest law (bonum commune suprema lex).

Converse democracy in Indonesia is bearing strength with the glorious constitution and leader at each period. Leader is important shares in governance, Nelson Mandela excitement analogy for leader with the expression "the leader like a shepherd", while as according to the constitution function, E.C.S Wade have opinion that constitution is a document which sets out the framework and principal functions of the organs of government of state and declares the principles governing the operation of those organs. So from growth of Indonesia constitution is influence at Indonesia democracy.

Growth the democracy history in Indonesia according to the senior political women and the Indonesia political researcher Prof. Miriam Budiarjo (1923-2006), become categorized four of period. Period of RI I democracy (1945-1959) passing governance period to President Ahmad Sukarno by running parliamentarian democracy, a period of RI II democracy (1959-1965) passing governance period to President Ahmad Sukarno by running led democracy, a period of RI III democracy (1965-1998) passing governance period to Big General and President of Suharto with the democracy of Pancasila and period of RI IV democracy (1998-now) passing governance of mass of President Burhanudin Jusuf Habibie, mass of President Abdurrahaman Wahid and President Megawati and also a mass of President Susilo Bambang Yudohono by running correction for democracy of Pancasila at a period of RI III democracy.

At period of RI I democracy, the multi party pattern is run. This parliamentarian democracy note one principal execution event of fundamental democracy that is the first democracy party in the year 1955 and become the most democratic general election till 20th century in Indonesia. The general election is aim to form two legislative body, parliament and commission of constitutional assembly to arrange the permanent constitution for replace whereas constitution (UUDS) 1950 because it less be effective.

The Australian political researcher of Indonesia, Herberth Feith (1930-2001) writing in the Indonesian Election of 1955 like this: "general election which performed at September 1955 (for the election of parliamentarian) and December 1955 (for the election of member constitutional assembly) this very attractive as experiment of democratize. General election 1955 is the first general election multiply performed in a national of Indonesia, where suffrage passed by all Indonesia citizen which have above to age 18 year or have married. The registration started since May till finish in November 1954, its noted by 43.104.464 up to standard elector soul and become the glorious efficacy period to Mr. Burhanudin Harahap ( born 1917-wafat 1987) whereas because becoming the most democratic general election in modern Indonesia".

Note of history concerning general election 1955 is also got from American political researcher of Indonesia, Boyd C Compton. He write like this: "that morning I go out from house, precisely moment opening of balloting. Surabaya twined by bizarre and dissolve silence is which very coloring the election day. Walk on Tunjungan is only us which walk with shaky body in arterial road which usually crowd and noisy by traffic at eight o'clock. That day there is no pedicab, car, and nobody with activity. Shop close and omitted by its owner...". On August 2007, in age 82 year old, Tempo magazine hold an interview with the Compton from New York, he tell to tempo : "I remember that moment, confrontation all parties at campaign its reach to the most extreme point, but later, all of that end at quiet in one very bizarre day and dreadful. I see this as circumstantial fear sign and restlessness, mixed intentionally national...". And until now to some Indonesia political researcher, Indonesia 1955 is becoming starting point to contemporary history.

This democratic general election 1955, but hereinafter indigent compile the substitution UUDS 1950, till the result decision of general election 1955 disbanded with the President decree in 5 July 1959. After President decree, Indonesia enter a period of RI II democracy, still pattern with multi party but in the led democracy, because power heap and centrally in one charismatic leader, President Ahmad Sukarno without control from public or legislative party.

Sebastian Pope, the Indonesia law observer and writer of The Indonesian Supreme Court, A Study Of Institutional Collapse, having a notion that a period of democratic Indonesia have ended when government release the announcement state in danger at 1957. Next that happened in Indonesia is four decade of deviation and injustice. After 1957 is a period of its palsied of rule of law and legal institution, confessed by all Indonesia jurist that the end of 1957, governmental pressure and grind at the justice system, military feel up to enter the justice system and decline run desire the governmental for the attitude of respect the law.

A period of RI II democracy is a period when Indonesia filled with assorted of separatism movement and at its height is there a national movement from Communist Party of Indonesia (PKI) for the fox of Pancasila ideology become the Communist Ideology in the year 1965. Separatism movement have enough circulated fertile, because plurality of Indonesian nation and not agree of them at the political way of President Ahmad Sukarno, particularly with decision of MPRS No.III/ 1963 for hitting a lifting President for lifetime. The chaos culminate is movement 30 September 1965 by PKI. Betrayal PKI discomfited by big general Suharto with capital warrant from President Sukarno. Because put efficacy to rout the PKI and President Ahmad Sukarno have do not be optimal health, hence governance continued from President Ahmad Sukarno to President Suharto.

1965 is year of an early period of RI III democracy with the pattern of multi party and democracy Of Pancasila. Democratize run full like there are at nation philosophy ground namely Pancasila. With slogan for execute the UUD 1945 purely and commit, but just remain to be of the walk deviation. Injustice way at former era still be fertilized, system of multi party by coercion start executed, that moment political party only may become three faction, nationalist faction in Indonesia Party Democratize (PDI), faction religious in Development Party Association (PPP) and one new party is so-called Functional Group Party (Golkar) formed by President Suharto. Decision of lifting President for a lifetime is abolished and changed by the decision of MPRS No. XIX/ 1966 about President tenure one period is only 5 year, but remain President Suharto will take hold of the President for a lifetime, periodical general election go well and the winner always Functional Group Party (Golkar) because support enforcing from public servant civil, police and military.

at a period of RI III democracy, young people movement become the non-stopped run high movement, start the protest with the article descend the street protest executed. Young people become the political prisoner or is even killed by the commonplace, movement of young people 1966, 1974, 1978 and 1998 have incised the achievement, printing warrior and carve the its gold each history. Any condition which underway and from look into the anywhere aspect, cannot be denied that young people is the important society. Political cage in any entity what any its name and what any its strength, will not possible hijack the ownership of freedom and young people personality. Young people is central of civilization because them of social, political and also culture bollard, they is warrior and warrior candidate, they is scientist and scientist candidate, they is researcher and researcher candidate, they is statesman and statesman candidate, they is general and general candidate and also them scholar and scholar candidate

The biggest young people movement in Indonesia looked from cause and as a result is movement of young people 1998. Caused of multi dimension crisis and result to reformation (transition democratize). Since this is period, Indonesia begin to RI IV democracy, by taking Iessons from lowly figure and also the glorify figure, real Indonesia start rebuilt. Vice President Burhanudin Jusuf Habibie go up to leading state and start to conduct of various reformation demand, instruct the development of centralistic or Jakarta centric altered to become the region autonomy, return active democratic band and sum up the political party to become 141 political party (one hundred fourty one) formal enlisted at judgment department.

Negative matter from execution program of the President B.J Habibie is balloting (referendum) 1999 in East Timor decide the East Timor independence and leave taking Indonesian. Pros and contra this governmental policy bring at diplomatic distantly spaced relation between Indonesia and Australia. This is ugly reputation of Indonesia in the international of world, because failing to fulfill the obligation to pacify that province before, during and after balloting.

1999 democracy party is bringing new expectation for Indonesia. This democracy party coloured by the emulation from all reformation figure, target equation by immeasurable of interpretation decorate at that year. The winner of 1999 democracy party is President Abdurrahman Wahid which also organizational leader of the biggest society organization in Indonesia, Nahdlatul Ulama. President Abdurrahman Wahid start the focus of eradication corruption and inefficiency of bureaucracy but in the middle of a period because failure handle the case of BULOG (Indonesian Bureau of logistic) in the middle of a period President devoting and he deliver the governance position to President Megawati Soekarno Putri and representing be the first woman President in Indonesia.

The corruption is very serious problem for President Megawati and other economic failure come do not be invited. The failure is diantaranya out of order in corporation sector, the increase of export, the excess of import, the high rate of interest and other economic problem become the wedge for success the reformation agenda. Ugly reputation is also happened by the effect of action The Bali Bomb I (October 2002) what is conducted by Islam radical movement and kill hundreds of overseas tourist.

2004 democracy party still be coloured by the competition of all reformation figure and in the end culminate the first person won is President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, in the middle of reformation agenda which is a long way off executed, natural disaster come day by day to Indonesia, biggest natural disaster is Aceh and North Sumatera tsunami at December 2004 and hot mud disaster of Lapindo in Sidoarjo, East Java.

Even coloured with many disaster but period of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono more successful handling the stability Republic of Indonesia if compared by previously period, stability Republic of Indonesia is start felt. According to executive director of Indonesia Survey Institute (LSI), Dr. Syaiful Mujani, economic grow is non-stopped to by above 6 % a year, unemployment is non-stopped to decrease, succeed result for corruption eradication, pros people program and self sufficiency rice is gratify and people satisfaction is increase too.

In the world of International, efficacy of diplomacy public start seen, Indonesia selected to become the erratic member of UN Security Council, member of UNHR, member of the council of the international telecommunications unions, member of governing council UN habitat, in the world of Islam and world of oil exporter Indonesia also get a lot of efficacy. Up to now Indonesia proven dare to raise the proposal become the host of FIFA World Cup 2018 or 2022.

Governmental relation and people awaked by a goodness, the trust is fullfiled, openness bring all bodies walk at each band and hopefully successful Indonesia in economic, politics and law each. Francis Fukuyama define trust as expectation of regularity, sincerity, and behavioral of cooperation to the good and benefit. Trust is very benefit to preeminent economic creation because able to lessen the expense of transaction and circumlocutory band of bureaucracy. Trust can lessen not anticipated situation, dispute preventing and minimization the old time of the law process and eat a lot of fund.

2009 democracy party have stare at near, some of reformation figure have been replaced position with young figure, some young leader candidate decorate the print and digital advertisement, 21 year old of leader candidate have a lot of growing from democratic regeneration. Concerning leadership democratize era, Nelson Mandela elaborate: "that leader like a shepherd, he reside in the back of horde, letting liveliest make a move of ahead, followed by the other sheep, unconscious that they is guided from back".

Indonesia of 21th century must to own the knowledge of 21th century, reliing on democracy and pluralism as key of successful. Democracy is appliance to reach the target. Target of Republic of Indonesia, target of is whole Indonesian nation now and wait the. Indonesia and this world is non own our, but own our offspring.

2 komentar:

  1. waalah, aku gak ngerti nich maksudnya??
    tumben tumbenana sich bro kok pake bahasa kumpeni?
    mau ikut adsen ya?
    oiya, kemana aja nich kok jarang update?
    sibuk skul ya?
    eeeeemmm, templatenya bagus nich..
    semangat terus ya..
    satu lagi, kalau kamu punya banyak cadangan artikel, mending jangan di postingin bersamaan, silahkan baca artikelku bulan lalu tentang pentingnya artikel terjadwal..
    semoga bisa sangat membantu..
    semangat terus ya..
    satu lagi *walah, kok gak abis abis*, fotoku itu gantheng gak? gagah terpampang di widget pengikut..
    *kalau gak gantheng ya gak usah di jawab, kalau gantheng jawabnya yang keras ya, hahaha*

  2. Kalau masalah koneksi itu berbeda2 pada tiap wilayah bro.
    Soalnya sinyal dan trafik gak sama.
    Dr pd pake speedy, mending pake telkomsel flash aja bro.
    125rb unlimited.
    Keren kan.
