draft coursework
Indonesia’s Foreign Policy toward the People
Republic of China
In the South China Sea 2009-2014
Indonesia’s Foreign Policy toward ASEAN
In the South China Sea 2009-2014
A. Abstract
This coursework analyzes Indonesia's
foreign policy toward the PRC in the South China Sea 2009-2014. The purpose of
this study is to analyze why Indonesia did constructive engagement in the South
China Sea Disputes in 2009-2014? This coursework uses primary and secondary
data, the data will be analyzed with a descriptive analysis. Researchers found
that Indonesia's foreign policy towards China is attractive because Indonesia
did constructive engagement, while Indonesia is also involved in the dispute as
some ASEAN countries in Natuna Seas-Indonesia and 9 dashed line seas-PRC.
This research uses concept of national
interest and framework of the foreign policy that arrangement by Holsti and
Rosenau. From the analysis, the researchers concluded that Indonesia undertake
constructive engagement based on internal and external factors. Significantly,
the internal factors that influence are the democratization in Indonesia. While
external factors affecting Indonesia is participation in the ASEAN.
B. Research
Why Indonesia did constructive engagement
in the South China Sea Disputes in 2009-2014?
C. Aim and
Exploring stages of development of
Indonesia's foreign policy as well as distinctive features of each year in in
the South China Sea disputes 2009-2014.
Highlighting special features of
relations between Indonesia, ASEAN Countries and China in the South China Sea
disputes 2009-2014.
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2 Dynamic tension in SCS (Actors Interest, Indonesia
3 Indonesia policy
Indonesia policy to asean countries in SCS
(Diplomatic, Legal, Economic, Security)
Indonesia policy to global in SCS
4. Factor of foreign policy
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