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Pesantren Kilat di Russia

My reason to participated
My reason to participate the Short Course Programme for International Student in Russia is to enrich the knowledge and experience by visiting one of the country that take part in the past and future of world history, and especially to visit of important regional for islam development in Russia. Qul Sharif mosque which is the largest mosque in the Russian and Russian Islamic University is a sign of the existence of Kazan City as the important regional for islam development in Russia.
As a student of international relations program in Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University, I have had experience of following the National Meeting of International Relations Students (PNMHII) in 2010 at the National University, Jakarta. This national communication forum is the highest activities for all students of international relations program in Indonesia. This Short Course Programme is a golden opportunity to complete my experience, communication forums at the international level will more open the eyes to facing global world.
In outside the campus activities, with 6 (six) years educational background in madrasah and Sukahideng Islamic boarding school in Tasikmalaya, West Java, bring me the opportunity to have a side job to managing the al-qur'an educational institution, teaching children and teenage in the Mosque, active in youth and community activities in the region of Ciputat. The educational and society activity is my special interests.
With the Short Course Programme for International Student in Russia, I am sure will bring significants influences for my personal and social life, in campus and outside the campus activities. I hope this influences will support in reaching a graduate scholarship programs at leading colleges in the world class university and will make my dream became true to be an ambassador who will carry the name of the Republic of Indonesia to the world.
The most pressing issues
The most pressing issues faced by Indonesia and Russia today is global terrorism, suicide bombing at the international airport Domodedovo, Russia on January 24, 2011, almost similar to the suicide bombing at the Marriot Hotel, Jakarta on July 17, 2009, both of these events charged ideology by radical Muslim groups.
In the relations between the two countries, the purchase of Sukhoi military aircraft and helicopter mi-35 by President Megawati in 2003, opened a stable sheet for the Indonesia-Russia diplomatic relations. Military equipment cooperatiion has become an important foundation of political, economic, social and cultural cooperation, which at President Suharto era had been halted.
In the global terrorism problem, as a student, I have argued against terrorism with terror is not the answer to counter terrorism. Terrorism must be completed by all parties, from people community, religious leaders, Non Governmental Organization (NGO) and the Government must act in harmony to handle terrorism.
Therefore, Indonesia and Russia need to continue the dialog that contains the social and cultural theme to reduce the root of global terrorism. Dialogue needs to be run in the first-track diplomacy (Government to Government) and the second track diplomacy (People to People), from regional, national, to international scheme. Dialogue is the key in reducing sense of mistrust by terrorist groups in Indonesia and Russia.

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